- Tipus:
- spherical hdri
- Format:
- hdr
- Resolució:
- 11714x5857
- Profunditat:
- float
- Lloc d'origen:
- Paris, France
- Coordenades:
- 48.85312, 2.35932
- Comentari:
- -
Descripció del producte
Aquest spherical hdri d'alta resolució va ser gravat a Paris, France.
Termes de llicència addicionals
Please note that the following terms and conditions apply to this product in addition to §2 (Licence Terms) of our main terms and conditions:
Use of the HDR and image material is restricted to 3d environment/background and lighting with reflection/refraction needs only. Rights for a direct use, or picture composing (for example with image editing software) are not part of the deal with the client.
etiquetes per a aquest producte:
11:15 360 360-view autumn autunno background baum bewölkt blätter buildings cloudy download foliage gebäude gras grass hdr-map hdr-texture hdri herbst himmel leaves light lighting map maps nature orange panorama paris probe red rot skies sky sphere spherical straße strasse street tree
11:15 360 360-view autumn autunno background baum bewölkt blätter buildings cloudy download foliage gebäude gras grass hdr-map hdr-texture hdri herbst himmel leaves light lighting map maps nature orange panorama paris probe red rot skies sky sphere spherical straße strasse street tree