- 类型:
- 球型高动态
- 格式:
- hdr
- 分辨率:
- 8512x4256
- 深度:
- float
- 接收地:
- Rudow, Germany
- 坐标:
- -
- 评论:
- -
这种高解析度的 球型高动态 已被记录在 Rudow, Germany.
除了HDRI的,此下载包含9 backplates。
Please note that the following terms and conditions apply to this product in addition to §2 (Licence Terms) of our main terms and conditions:
Use of the HDR and image material is restricted to 3d environment/background and lighting with reflection/refraction needs only. Rights for a direct use, or picture composing (for example with image editing software) are not part of the deal with the client.