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Select as many objects as you like and let InstancesToVRayProxy find any instanced objects and convert those instances to VRayProxies. InstancesToVRayProxy automatically outputs VRayProxy meshs (*.vrmesh files) to a given folder, creates VRayProxy objects and replaces the selected instances with instances of those VRayProxies. This may sound difficult but InstancesToVRayProxy will optimize your scene to do faster renderings and all you have to do is pick an output path and hit a button! Instanced VRayProxies only need to be loaded once per proxy mesh. This will cut down the setup time of your renderings.
- convert all selected instances to VRayProxy objects
- keep transformations of objects (position, rotation, scale)
- open source to learn some MaxScript programming
- Autodesk 3D Studio Max (Design) 2009 to 2017 (x32/x64)
- VRay
- added export settings
- first InstancesToVRayProxy version
Just unpack "InstancesToVRayProxy.ms" to your scripts directory. Run the script by selecting MAXScript -> "Run Script..." and picking "InstancesToVRayProxy.ms" from the dialog.
This product is free!
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