
quick bugfix for SnowPrint

For all those that have a little problem using SnowPrint the first time:
If you get an error that says that something is wrong with map channel 0, just click the "map channel" spinner once and set it back to 1. There seems to be something wrong with the starting value of that map channel. Sorry for that!



As the year is drawing to an end and suitable for the Christmas season, it is again time for our unique "discountdown"! What does this mean? You get our snow plugin SnowFlow 75% off for the rest of October! You can see the countdown on so go and get your copy of SnowFlow for only 12 € until 2010-11-01!

We hope to see A LOT of beautiful renderings from our CG community!

Happy rendering,


About the ribbon/”error parsing xaml file” bug

I think I should look much more often for updates, hotfixes and service packs of my 3D Studio Max... Smile
Even after following my own suggestions about fighting the ribbon bug (read this post) I got the same error again after a long time of silence...
After applying the fix again ("read only" protection had gone?!?) I searched the autodesk website for an 3D Studio Max update and - lo and behold - there seems to be a service pack for that software!

The readme says: "Ribbon -> Customization of Ribbon features are now working as expected."
My problem should be history, I hope!

You can find the SP1 here: Autodesk 3ds Max Design Services & Support